万荣 教授





1981.09  1985.07  山东海洋学院水产系(现中国海洋大学水产学院),本科。

1987.09  1990.07  青岛海洋大学水产学院(现中国海洋大学水产学院),硕士。

1997.10  2002.03  东京水产大学海洋生产学科(现东京海洋大学),博士。




1)  南极磷虾高效捕捞技术研发(第2位,中国水产有限公司,2015-2016200万元)

2)  山东省资源增殖型人工鱼礁建设效果调查与评价(主持,山东省海洋与渔业厅,2012-2015259)

3)  山东半岛近岸海域生态模拟试验研究-生态型人工鱼礁综合设计与试验(主持,山东省海洋与渔业厅,2015-2016193)

4)  基于群落特定物种的海洋生态监测与评价关键技术研究(主持,海洋公益性专项课题,2013-2016201305030130万元)

5)  海州湾及邻近海域小黄鱼早期补充机制的研究(主持,教育部博士点基金重点支持领域课题,2013-20152012013213000140万元)

6)  柔性渔具形状与张力的数值模拟(主持,国家自然科学基金面上项目,309722562010-201230万元)

7)  椭圆形多孔介质浮式消波板水动力学特性数值模拟研究(第2位,国家自然科学基金面上项目,2012-20143117244662万元)

8)  国家自然科学基金“渔用网线水动力学研究”(3位,国家自然科学基金面上项目,2011-20133107224630万元)

9)  青岛市崂山湾人工鱼礁区生态修复效果的综合评价研究(主持,山东省科技厅,2011-20122011GHY1152430万元)



1)  Ye,  Z.J., Zhang, C., Panhwar, S.K., Li, Z.G., Wan, R.*, Ageing Belanger's  croaker, Johnius belangerii (Cuvier, 1830), based on otolith shape  analysis, Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 2015, 31(1): 27-31.

2)  Zhang,  C., Ye, Z.J. *, Wan, R.*, Ma, Q.Y., Li, Z.G., Investigating the  population structure of small yellow croaker (Larimichthys polyactis)  using internal and external features of otoliths, Fisheries Research,  2014, 153: 41-47.

3)  Cui  Yong, Guan Chang-tao, Wan Rong, Huang, Bin, Li Jiao, Dynamic analysis  of hydrodynamic behavior of a flatfish cage system under wave  conditions, China OceanEngineering, 2014, 28(2):215-226. 5.

4)  Cui Yong, Guan Chang-tao, Wan Rong, Huang, Bin, Li Jiao, Numerical simulation of a flatfish cage system in waves and currents, Aquaculture Engineering.2013, 56: 26-33.

5)  Lili Liu, Takeshi Kinoshita, Rong Wan*, Weiguang Bao, Experimental investigation and analysis of hydrodynamic characteristics of a net panel oscillating in water, OceanEngineering, 2012, 47:19-29.

6)  Zhang,  C., Ye, Z.J. *, Li, Z.G., Wan, R., Ren, Y.P., Dou, S.Z., Population  structure of Japanese Spanish mackerel Scomberomorus niphonius in the  Bohai Sea, the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea: evidence from random  forests based on otolith features, Fisheries Science, 2016, DOI10.1007/s12562-016-0968-x

7)  Li,  Z.G., Ye, Z.J. *, Wan, R., Zhang, C., Model selection between  traditional and popular methods for standardizing catch rates of target  species: A case study of Japanese Spanish mackerel in the gillnet  fishery, Fisheries Research, 2015, 161: 312-319

8)  Li,  Z.G., Ye, Z.J. *, Wan, R., Spatial and seasonal patterns of  ichthyoplankton assemblages in the Haizhou Bay and its adjacent waters  of China, Journal of Ocean University of China, 2015, 14(6): 1041-1052

9)  Binduo  Xu, Yiping Ren, Yong Chen, Ying Xue, Chongliang Zhang, Rong Wan,  Optimization of stratification scheme for a fishery-independent survey  with multiple objectives. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2015, 34(12):  154-169. doi:10.1007/s13131-015-0739-z

10) Zhen  Ma, Xiefa Song, Rong Wan, Lei Gao, Dawei Jiang, Artificial neural  network modeling of the water quality in intensive Litopenaeus vannamei  shrimp tanks. Aquaculture, 2014, 433: 307-312.

11) Zhen  Ma, Xiefa Songa, Rong Wan, Lei Gaob, A modified water quality index for  intensive shrimp ponds of Litopenaeus vannamei. Ecological Indicators,  2013, 24:287-293.

12) Ma  Zhen, Wan Rong,* Song Xiefa, Gao Lei, The effect of three culture  methods on intensive culture system of pacific white shrimp (Litopenaeus  vannamei). Journal of Ocean University of China, 2013, 12(3): 434-440.

13) Zhao  FenFang, Wan Rong; Huang Liuyi, Liang Zhenlin, Kinoshita Takeshi, Bao  Weiguang, Fujihashi Kazuki, Experimental study on scattering waves  around a porous horizontal elliptic plate. Proceedings of the 23rd  International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, ISOPE 2013.  (EI)

14) Fenfang  Zhao, Yi Chen, Rong Wan, Liuyi Huang, Peng Sun, Weiguang Bao.  Interactions of horizontal circular porous plates with waves.  Proceedings of the 25th International Ocean and Polar Engineering  Conference, ISOPE 2015 ,1454-1461. (EI)

15) Xinxin  Wang, Rong Wan, FenFang Zhao, Liuyi Huang, Yanli Tang, Peng Sun.  Comparative study of dynamics of gravity cages with different meshes in  waves and current, In Proceedings of the ASME2016 35th International  Conference on Ocean Offshore and Arctic Engineering, Busan, Korea.

16) Xinxin  Wang, Rong Wan, Liuyi Huang, Fenfang Zhao, Peng Sun. Two-dimensional  numerical simulation of flow around three-stranded rope. Journal of  Ocean University of China, 2016, (Accepted).

17) Liuyi  HUANG, Lin ZHANG, Tianwei Dong, Rong wan, Fenfang Zhao, Zhenlin Liang,  Fuxiang Hu, Weiguang Bao, Experimental Study on Hydrodynamic  Characteristics of Three-Stranded Polyethylene Rope. Applied Mechanics  and Materials, 2014, 490: (EI)

18) Huang  Zhitao, Song Xiefa*, Zheng Yanxuan, Peng Lei, Wan Rong, Lane Timothy,  Zhai Jieming, Hallerman Eric, Dong Dengpan, Design and evaluation of a  commercial recirculating system for half-smooth tongue sole (Cynoglossus  semilaevis) production. Aquacultural Engineering, 2013, 54:104-109.

19) Zhao  F.F., Kinoshita T., Bao W.G., Huang L.Y., Liang Z.L. & Wan R.,  Interaction between waves and an array of porous circular cylinders.  China Oecan Engineering, 2012, 26(3): pp 397-412.

20) Song  Wei-hua*, Liang Zhen-lin, Wan Rong, Zhao Fen-Fang, Takeshi Kinoshita,  Huang Liu-yi, Ma Jia-zhi, Chen Bo-hai, Experimental study on the effect  of waves on netting panels at a range of angles to the wave direction.  Fisheries Science, 2012, 78(3): 491-501.

21) Zhao  F.F., Kinoshita T., Bao W.G., Wan R., Huang L.Y., Hydrodynamics and  wave-drift force of a porous cylinder. Applied Ocean Research, 2011,  33:169-177.

22) 刘莉莉,万荣*,黄六一,赵芬芳。波流场中张网渔具水动力学特性的数值模拟。中国海洋大学学报,2013(4): 024-029。

23) 黄志涛,董登攀,宋协法,万荣等。基于物质平衡原理的贝类循环水养殖系统的设计与试验。农业工程学报,20143012)。(EI

24) 唐衍力,齐广瑞,王欣,田方,万荣。海洲湾近岸张网渔获物种类组成和资源利用现状分析。国海洋大学学报(自然版)2014447)。

25) 黄六一, 万荣, 梁振林等。波流作用下网格锚泊的单个重力式网箱缆绳张力。中国水产科学, 201118(3)899-907

26) 崔勇,关长涛,万荣,黄滨,李娇。 基于有限元方法对鲆鲽网箱耐流特性的数值模拟.中国海洋大学学报(自然版),201141( 6): 51-54